I was born in Los Angeles 64 years ago and spent most of my life there. I graduated from UCLA in 1980 with a B.A. in History and, after a 4-year stint playing rock music, I attended the U.C. Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall) where I earned a J.D. in 1987. I’ve been a business litigator for the past 34 years, including 10 years in-house at NBCUniversal where I was Sr. V.P. and global head of litigation for the Universal film, home entertainment, studio facilities, and theme park businesses. I’m now a partner of Mandavia Ephraim & Burg LLP, a business and entertainment litigation boutique.
In 1993, I was lucky enough to meet Julie Bonett on a Jewish National Fund young professionals trip to Israel. Julie is a beautiful and brilliant girl from Manalapan, NJ. Julie and I reconnected in 1995 and instantly fell in love. We were married 25 years ago at the Marlboro Jewish Center (Congregation Ohev Shalom) in Marlboro, NJ.
Because of my established law practice, Julie and I decided to raise our family in L.A. We have three terrific sons: Louis (20) is a student at Temple University in Philadelphia; Daniel (19) graduated from high school last year and plays junior-level hockey with the New Jersey 87s; and Elliot (17) is a junior at Christian Brothers Academy where he plays on the varsity hockey team.
We ultimately made our family home in L.A. for 25 years. During that time Julie and I were active members of congregation Adat Ari El, among the city’s oldest and largest Conservative synagogues. Julie was President of the Sisterhood and I served as synagogue President from 2018-2020.
For the Burg family, the one silver lining of the COVID pandemic was my realization that I can maintain my law practice even while living elsewhere. So, with L.A. in predictable freefall under its newly-elected Marxist D.A., we jumped at the opportunity to move to central New Jersey where Julie grew up, where much of our wonderful family lives, and where the Burg family has spent much time over the past 25 years. We bought a home close to Julie’s family outside of Freehold in Howell Township, and the Burg family moved here in June 2021.
Running for Congress was the farthest thing from my mind when we moved to this incredible place. But in early November 2021, just two days after the exhilarating Republican victories in Virginia and throughout the country (including NJ), I was incensed to learn that my own Congressman, Chris Smith, was one of only 13 Republicans who voted for the woke Democrat infrastructure bill – thereby handing Biden an unearned “win” at precisely the wrong moment as our country hangs by a thread from a complete radical leftist takeover. Smith has attempted to justify this unwise vote because the bill provides funding for some worthwhile projects. But imagine the truly high-quality infrastructure bill Republicans could have passed after retaking the House in 2022 – including critically-important protection of our vulnerable electrical grid from an EMP attack that could return our civilization to the Stone Age.
I also learned that my Congressman was one of 35 Republicans who voted for Pelosi’s “select” committee on January 6 rather than supporting an honestly bipartisan investigation conducted by a standing Congressional committee. The result has been as awful as it was predictable.
It instantly became clear that, after 40 years and 21 terms in office, Mr. Smith does NOT comprehend the gravity of this moment in our country’s history. This was made even more obvious when my Congressman again voted with Democrats to fund a federal vaccine “database” – just as these same radicals continue to abuse the power they’ve unconstitutionally grabbed by inflaming national terror over this never-ending pandemic.
Chris Smith is a perfect example of why we need TERM LIMITS!
The United States of America is at a critical juncture: We can either hold firm to our exceptional Constitutional Republic and our traditional American values premised on individual liberty and limited government as articulated in our founding documents, or we can sprint irrevocably toward a bleak Marxist future under radical Democrats.
At a moment like this we don’t need entrenched RINO swamp creatures representing us in Congress. We need FIGHTERS for our beloved country! We need Republicans who wholeheartedly support the America First agenda articulated by President Trump. We need Republicans who, irrespective of their personal views about him, embrace the exciting new Republican coalition of blue collar workers, minority communities, small business owners and entrepreneurs, religiously committed Americans, and philosophical conservatives that President Trump envisioned and created through his America First policies and his unprecedentedly successful presidency.
I am such a person. And I am a POLITICAL OUTSIDER with no connectional to traditional New Jersey Politics. I will stand shoulder to should with Congressional Republicans to save our country!
I did not serve in the military. I have not previously had the opportunity to fight for my country. Now is my chance to give back! I’ve spent my entire life until now living in leftwing Democrat districts. By sheer happenstance – because Julie and I decided to move to the Congressional district in which she grew up and our family has deep roots – I suddenly and unexpectedly have the opportunity to FIGHT for my beloved country by running for Congress.
This is the only reason I want to be your Congressman, and I hope to have the privilege and honor of earning your vote.